Jewelweed naturally dyed handspun yarn, 50 yards
Cosmos bundle dyed handspun yarn, 50 yards
Cosmos, pastel naturally dyed handspun yarn, 50 yards
Cosmos, heathered naturally dyed handspun yarn, 50 yards
Marigold and coreopsis naturally bundle dyed handspun grey yarn, 50 yards
Black walnut hull naturally dyed handspun yarn, 50 yards
Logwood naturally dyed sari silk yarn, 20 yards
Logwood naturally dyed sari silk yarn, 60 yards
Flowers in the Mist naturally bundle dyed handspun yarn, 50 yards
Goldenrod naturally dyed handspun yarn, 50 yards
Black walnut leaf naturally bundle dyed handspun yarn, 50 yards
Pale green mullein naturally dyed yarn, 50 yards
Catnip dyed merino, yellow handspun luxury yarn, 50 yards